Former India batter Sanjay Manjrekar shared a heartfelt post after the team's T20 World Cup triumph. Taking to social media platform X, Manjrekar credited captain Rohit Sharma , head coach Rahul Dravid , and chief selector Ajit Agarkar for the team's success in the tournament as India ended a 13-year wait to win an ICC title. However, there was no mention of star batter Virat Kohli in Manjrekar's post. Fans were quick to notice the same and blasted the cricketer-turned-commentator for ignoring Kohli, who was named 'Man of the Match' in the final against South Africa. "Rohit Sharma, Rahul Dravid & Ajit Agarkar are your people with absolute integrity. So happy that they had something to show in the end! My heart goes out to them," Manjrekar captioned the post. Rohit Sharma, Rahul Dravid & Ajit Agarkar are your people with absolute integrity. So happy that they had something to show in the end! My heart goes out to them. — Sanjay Manjrekar (@sa...
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