Smriti Mandhana will be leading Royal Challengers Bangalore in the inaugural season of the Women's Premier League, former India skipper Virat Kohli confirmed on Saturday. A video message was posted on the social media by RCB with a special message from Kohli. "From one No. 18 to another, from one skipper to another, Virat Kohli and Faf du Plessis announce RCB's captain for the Women's Premier League - Smriti Mandhana," the franchise wrote on Twitter. Mandhana created history in the WPL auction by becoming the costliest player after commanding a price of Rs 3.4 crore after a bidding war.
From one No. 18 to another, from one skipper to another, Virat Kohli and Faf du Plessis announce RCB's captain for the Women's Premier League - Smriti Mandhana. #PlayBold #WPL2023 #CaptainSmriti @mandhana_smriti
— Royal Challengers Bangalore (@RCBTweets) February 18, 2023
“Now it's time for another Number 18 to lead a very special RCB team in the Women's Premier League. Yes, we are talking about Smriti Mandhana. Go well Smriti, you will have the support of the best team and the best fans in the World,” Virat Kohli said in the video.
“I'm very confident that our women's captain has all the attributes to lead RCB. All the very best, Smriti Mandhana. See you at the games,” RCB captain Faf du Plessis added.
Mandhana also appeared in the video as she thanked the team management for their support.
“I would like to thank RCB management for giving me this amazing opportunity. I'm looking forward to receiving all the love and support from you fans, who I'm told are the best in the world. And I promise you to give my 100% to lead RCB to success in WPL,” she said.
Royal Challengers Bangalore squad: Smriti Mandhana, Sophie Devine, Ellyse Perry, Renuka Singh, Richa Ghosh, Erin Burns, Disha Kasat, Indrani Roy, Shreyanka Patil, Kanika Ahuja, Asha Shobana, Heather Knight, Dane van Niekerk, Preeti Bose, Poonam Khemnar, Komal Zanzad, Megan Schutt, Sahana Pawar.
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