The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 final between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans was a nail-biter with the former clinching the summit clash to win their fifth title. Attending the match were 'Zara Hatke Zara Bachke' stars Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan . The actors posted a video in Instagram from the time at the stadium. In it, the actors can be seen giving each other a hi-five after CSK's win. The jubilant mood of the co-stars clearly reflects in the video. Vicky Kaushal captioned his post, " Badle tere Mahi, leke jo koi saari, duniya bhi dede agar, to kise duniya chahiye . Mahi for the win. Jaadu you rockstar! What a match! GT... the best team through the tournament. Clearly the game was the real winner. #ipl2023 #iplfinal (sic)." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vicky Kaushal (@vickykaushal09) The two actors were also asked about their experience in the IPL final. "I have never seen a...
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