The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 final between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans was a nail-biter with the former clinching the summit clash to win their fifth title. Attending the match were 'Zara Hatke Zara Bachke' stars Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan. The actors posted a video in Instagram from the time at the stadium. In it, the actors can be seen giving each other a hi-five after CSK's win. The jubilant mood of the co-stars clearly reflects in the video.
Vicky Kaushal captioned his post, "Badle tere Mahi, leke jo koi saari, duniya bhi dede agar, to kise duniya chahiye. Mahi for the win. Jaadu you rockstar! What a match! GT... the best team through the tournament. Clearly the game was the real winner. #ipl2023 #iplfinal (sic)."
The two actors were also asked about their experience in the IPL final. "I have never seen a live match before. So, the first time you watch a match live and and you see MS Dhoni, then what more can you ask for," Sara Ali Khan said on Star Sports, with Vicky Kaushal by his side.
When asked to name one 'hatke' batter, who impressed them the most, Kaushal said: "Yashashvi (Jaiswal). His journey has been special. Then to see him play the way he did, so confident. He has got that grace. He generates so much power."
Sara said: "The 'Hatke' time for me was when Virat Kohli and Shubman Gill both made hundreds in the same match. But Virat Kohli got out after scoring really well. It was a superb match to watch. Both innings were great. That was quite 'hatke'."
.@vickykaushal09 & @SaraAliKhan are IN AWE after their 1st in-stadium match & @msdhoni LIVE!
— Star Sports (@StarSportsIndia) May 30, 2023
They talk about Thala's impeccable stumpings, their favourite batter & bowler from this season!
An IPL filled with more WOW moments than we can count! #IPLonStar #BetterTogether
They were asked about 'hatke' bowler too, and Kaushal took Matheesha Pathirana's name.
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