Legendary Indian cricket team batter Sachin Tendulkar took to social media to share a sweet message for his children - Arjun Tendulkar and Sara Tendulkar. Sachin shared a picture of Arjun and Sara as kids on social media platform X (formerly called Twitter) along with the caption - "What a beautiful coincidence! Celebrating Arjun's birthday and #DaughtersDay on the same day. I couldn't be a happier father." Former Pakistan opener Saeed Anwar shared a heartwarming message on the picture as he wrote - "Masha Allah Sachin! Wishing Arjun a happy birthday, thoughts & best wishes to Sara."
The friendship between the two legends go a long way back as they have played a lot of cricket against each other and it was Sachin who broke Anwar's long-standing record in ODI cricket. Anwar had the highest individual score at one point with 194 but Sachin surpassed him with the first double ton.
Masha Allah Sachin! Wishing Arjun a happy birthday, thoughts & best wishes to Sara. https://t.co/zhtg1EjAVv
— Saeed Anwar (@ImSaeedAnwar) September 24, 2023
"Nobody else does deserve to get there. It's only Sachin who deserves to scale that peak. 200 is a big score in one-day cricket. It's not easy to get there," Anwar said about Sachin's historic feat.
"It took him 20 long years to get there. He has come a long way. It's Sachin's greatness."
"He is a man of dedication and modesty, so God has been kind to him. Records are meant to be broken. I heard somebody equalled my record some time ago. But I did not know him (Coventry). It's great that my friend from Mumbai Sachin broke it. I am very happy for him," he added.
As for Arjun, his stocks have gone up since being roped in by Indian Premier League franchise Mumbai Indians. Still a player who needs to work on all aspects of the game, Arjun has shown that he has the talent to make it big in the sport.
source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/pakistan-greats-reply-on-sachin-tendulkars-post-for-arjun-and-sara-wins-hearts-4422219
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