Hardik Pandya, who made his return to the Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Mumbai Indians (MI), on Monday reflected back on his journey with the five-time champions. After tasting success with Gujarat Titans in the past two years, the experienced all-rounder on Monday returned to the franchise where his career began in 2015."I am back. Rohit, Bumrah, Surya, Ishan, Polly (Pollard), Malinga. Come on let's begin. Obviously, the feeling of coming back to Mumbai is very special for a lot of reasons. How my cricketing journey started in 2015 with MI, them noticing me in 2013...when I look back...how my span of 10 years has been something very special. It has not sunk in yet that finally, I am back where my whole cricketing journey started. I have achieved all the possible things. They have been the most important part of my life," Hardik said in a video posted by MI on X
Watch talk about his happy homecoming, teaming up with his and resuming his journey with #MumbaiIndians#OneFamily #MumbaiMeriJaan @hardikpandya7 pic.twitter.com/sm6dXGJYCI
— Mumbai Indians (@mipaltan) November 27, 2023
He talked about the special bond he shares with the MI owners as well as the fans.
"Special bond with Akash and the whole family. They have been with me through thick and thin and it is much more emotional because it feels like I am coming back to my home. I am coming back to my family where it all started. Paltan, you supported me the first time and all the memories have a special place in my heart and all the memories have a special place in my heart. I know you will back me once again. We created history as a team and now I am looking forward to creating some wonderful moments with the boys once again. Mere hardik swagat ke liye, thank you," Hardik added.
Hardik played 92 matches for MI from 2015-2021, scoring 1,476 runs at an average of 27.33 at a strike rate of over 153, with four half-centuries and best score of 91. He also took 42 wickets for the team, with the best bowling figures of 3/20.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/i-know-you-will-hardik-pandyas-message-to-mumbai-indians-after-completing-switch-from-gujarat-titans-4611842
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