In a thrilling week for domestic cricket, Madhya Pradesh's Rajat Patidar stunned fans with a lightning-fast century, the fifth quickest in Ranji Trophy history. Delhi and Baroda registered massive victories while defending champion Mumbai were held to draw by Tripura. Madhya Pradesh batter Rajat Patidar reignited his domestic cricket season in stunning fashion, blasting the fifth-fastest century in Ranji Trophy history in just 68 balls during the draw against Haryana. Harshal Patal was adjudged the Man of the Match after scoring 81 runs in the first innings and taking two wickets in each innings as the teams settled for a hard-earned draw.
Delhi earned a dominant 10-wicket win over Assam on Tuesday in the third round of the Ranji Trophy, marking their first outright win of the season. The victory came with a bonus point, secured by openers Sanat Sangwan and Gagan Vats as they comfortably chased down the target of 59 runs without losing a wicket.
Mumbai and Tripura battled it out for an entertaining draw after the former led in the first innings. Mumbai declared their second innings at 123/6 giving their opponents a target of 271. Unbeaten knocks by Bikramkumar Das and Jiwanjot Singh saw the team score 48/0.
Skipper Krunal Pandya's 119-run innings alongside Shivalik Sharma and Vishnu Solanki's contributions of 96 and 98 respectively, saw Baroda secure a victory by an innings and 98 runs against Odisha.
Match Results Summary
1. Andhra vs Himachal Pradesh - Himachal Pradesh won by an innings and 38 runs.
2. Arunachal Pradesh vs Sikkim - Sikkim won by 104 runs.
3. Baroda vs Odisha - Baroda defeated Odisha by an innings and 98 runs.
4. Bengal vs Kerala - Draw (first innings unfinished).
5. Bihar vs Karnataka - Karnataka won by 8 wickets.
6. Delhi vs Assam - Delhi won by 10 wickets.
7. Goa vs Nagaland - Goa won by 84 runs.
8. Hyderabad vs Pondicherry - Hyderabad won by an innings and 50 runs.
9. Jammu & Kashmir vs Services - J&K won by an innings and 25 runs.
10. Jharkhand vs Chandigarh - Chandigarh won by 10 wickets.
11. Maharashtra vs Meghalaya - Maharashtra won by 10 wickets.
12. Manipur vs Mizoram - Mizoram won by an innings and 20 runs.
13. Punjab vs Uttar Pradesh - Draw (Uttar Pradesh led in the first innings).
14. Rajasthan vs Gujarat - Draw (Gujarat led in the first innings).
15. Saurashtra vs Railways - Railways defeated Saurashtra by 37 runs.
16. Tamil Nadu vs Chhattisgarh - Draw (Chhattisgarh led in the first innings).
17. Tripura vs Mumbai- Draw (Mumbai led in the first innings).
18. Uttarakhand vs Vidarbha - Vidarbha won by 266 runs.
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