The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 is set to begin on Friday at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. The good-old home-away format returns, with all 10 franchises getting to host games at their venues. While the 'IPL of old' is returning after a gap of three years, a few 'firsts' will be witnessed this season, with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) deciding to add some new features like 'Impact Player', while making a few other rule changes in the league.
Playing XIs After Toss: The 16th edition of the league would now see the playing XIs being named after the toss. Earlier, the trend was that the captains of both teams give their team sheets to the match referee before the toss. This would not happen anymore.
Impact Player: The 'Impact Player' rule would now see the teams being allowed to substitute a player into the playing XI at any point in the game. The substitute player can bat, bowl and field but would not be able to lead the team as captain.
DRS For Wide, No-Balls: The IPL 2023 season would also see DRS calls being made for wides and no-balls. The players would be allowed to review wide-ball and no-ball calls by the on-field umpires. It is a welcome move, considering the controversies that had erupted in the past few seasons.
Unfair Movement: Wicket-keepers can now be penalised for making 'unfair movements' behind the stumps. If a wicketkeeper shuffles before the batter hits the ball, it would be considered an 'unfair movement'.
Penalty For Slow Over-Rates: Slow over-rates by teams will now warrant a penalty. The 20-over quota has to be finished by a team within 90 minutes. If that doesn't happen, an extra player would need to be placed inside the 30-yard circle over every over bowled beyond the time limit.
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