Star India batter Virat Kohli on Thursday shared a photo of his Class 10th marksheet. Kohli, who ended his Test century drought in the recently-concluded Border-Gavaskar Trophy, is gearing up for the upcoming season of the Indian Premier League. The 34-year-old will be part of Royal Challengers Bangalore's squad for the 16th straight season, having joined them as an 19-year-old in 2008. Taking to Koo, Kohli shared a photo of his Class 10th marksheet, with a quirky caption.
"It's funny how the things that add the least to your marksheet, add the most to your character," Kohli posted.
RCB will start their Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 season with a match against Mumbai Indians (MI) at their home arena, M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru. Last year, RCB qualified for playoffs and finished fourth in the competition after losing to Rajasthan Royals in qualifier 2 by seven wickets.
Royal Challengers Bangalore Squad strength: 25 players (overseas 8)
Players bought during IPL 2023 auction - Reece Topley (INR 1.9 crore), Himanshu Sharma (INR 20 lakh), Will Jacks (INR 3.2 crore), Manoj Bhandage (INR 20 lakh), Rajan Kumar (INR 70 lakh), Avinash Singh (INR 60 lakh).
Players retained - Faf du Plessis (c), Virat Kohli, Suyash Prabhudessai, Rajat Patidar, Dinesh Karthik, Anuj Rawat, Finn Allen, Glenn Maxwell, Wanindu Hasaranga, Shahbaz Ahmed, Harshal Patel, David Willey, Karn Sharma, Mahipal Lomror, Mohammed Siraj, Josh Hazlewood, Siddarth Kaul, Akash Deep.
(With ANI Inputs)
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