Young India batter Yashasvi Jaiswal said that he considers himself fortunate to play alongside a legend like Virat Kohli. Jaiswal's comments came after stumps on Day 1 of the ongoing second Test against West Indies in Trinidad. Jaiswal scored a century on his debut Test last week in Dominica and followed it up with a solid 57 in the first innings of the ongoing second Test. In a video shared by the International Cricket Council, Jaiswal said he gets to learn a lot by watching Kohli bat, and also revealed that he enjoys having conversation with the battieng maestro.
"It's always great to watch him (Virat Kohli) bat and bat alongside him. He's a legend and I'm blessed to play with him. It's wonderful to go out with him and learn from him. There is a lot to learn from him, to keep watching what he does outside the field and on the field. It's a pleasure to talk to him and learning from him," Jaiswal said after the end of the day's play at the Queen's Park Oval.
After he took the field on Thursday, Kohli became only the fourth Indian player to feature in 500 international matches.
On Friday, the peerless Virat Kohli capped off his 500th international appearance with a 76th hundred. Kohli, who missed out on a hundred in the previous Test, made a polished 121 in 206 balls, his 29th in the longest format while adding 159 runs for the fifth wicket with Ravindra Jadeja (61 off 152 balls).
Starting the day at 87, Kohli reached his century in the first half an hour while dispatching a Roach delivery wide of point. The wide grin while raising his bat and then taking a bow said it all.
The satisfaction of scoring his first overseas Test hundred in half a decade was palpable, having last scored a ton on foreign soil in Perth in 2018.
Kohli's greatness lay in his game awareness as the cornerstone of his innings was 45 singles and 13 doubles in energy sapping conditions.
He would be pleased because as many as nine of his 11 boundaries were hit on the off-side with the signature cover drive coming out of his closet time and again.
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