Former India batter Aakash Chopra has slammed the management for the under utilisation of pacer Umran Malik in the first ODI against West Indies on Thursday. Umran was picked in the XI for the series opener but bowled just three overs, and also failed to take a wicket. Despite giving 10 runs in his first over, Umran recovered and gave away only seven runs in his next two overs. However, he was the only bowler who failed to pick a wicket in the series opener.
Chopra feels the Indian management missed a trick by not utilising Umran properly.
"You kept him but bowled him only three overs. He didn't pick up a wicket. There was probably an opportunity for him to come and pick up two or three wickets in the end but you didn't go towards him. Umran Malik - a box that should have been ticked is not ticked," Chopra said on his YouTube channel.
The cricketer-turned-commentator also pointed out that while the management is considering Umran as a back up pacer for World Cup, the player has not played much cricket of late.
"You have kept this fast bowler, done a slightly left-field selection because he wasn't with the team for the last little while and his IPL was also extremely middling, but you haven't kept him in the Asian Games. You are thinking that if Bumrah doesn't get fit and even if he gets fit, you have got an express pacer," he added.
The second ODI will be played in Barbados on Saturday.
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