Former India pacer Venkatesh Prasad recently summed up the Rohit Sharma -led side bitter-sweet 2023 in international cricket. Taking to social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Prasad pointed out how India dominated other team during the recently concluded World Cup on home soil, but fell on the final hurdle, losing the final to Australia. Prasad also rued India's defeat in the World Test Championship (WTC) final to the same opponents. It's been more than a decade since India last won an ICC trophy, and a fan asked Prasad whether the Indian team is the "new chokers of world cricket". While highlighting India's back-to-back Test series wins in Australia, Prasad refused to give the team the "chokers" tag. However, with India's ICC title drought extending for a further year, Prasad feels there is something wrong with Indian cricket. "Sir Do You also Think That Team India Has become New CHOKERS of World Cricket ?? as we have Just Lost 10th Con...
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