Suryakumar Yadav will be leading the Indian cricket team in the upcoming T20I series against South Africa with Rohit Sharma opting out and Hardik Pandya missing from action due to injury. Suryakumar was also the captain of the side that won the recently-concluded T20I series against Australia. As a result, there have been discussions regarding the explosive batter being one of the captaincy options for India for the T20 World Cup 2024. However, former India opener Aakash Chopra did not agree with the conversation and said that he believes that Suryakumar does not feature in the list of possible captains.
"I am just looking ahead. Suryakumar Yadav is currently the Indian team's captain in T20Is, but is he in your list of captains? He is probably the third captaincy choice even for the Mumbai Indians currently. Things have changed. He was the second choice until last year," he said on Jio Cinema.
Chopra further pointed out that with the arrival of Hardik at Mumbai Indians, Suryakumar is now the third-choice for captaincy behind the all-rounder and Rohit.
"He might have become the third choice of his franchise. He will be the Indian captain in South Africa for sure, will captain whenever Rohit doesn't play and might be the captain against Afghanistan, but World Cup 2024, I don't see Surya as a captain," he added.
The ex-India cricketer did praise Suryakumar for his captaincy in the series against Australia and specifically mentioned the way that he managed his bowlers in the absence of a genuine sixth bowling option.
"He used the resources well despite not using a sixth bowler. Spin had an extremely important role. The make or break in the series was the eight, eight overs of spin over five games. The 40 overs of spin won you the series. It's a difficult job to figure out when to bowl 40 overs of spin."
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