The ongoing spat between 2011 World Cup champions Gautam Gambhir and S Sreesanth is taking new turns with every passing moment. The incident started during the Legends League Cricket match between India Capitals and Gujarat Giants after Gambhir and Sreesanth got indulged into a war of words. Later, the former pacer took to Instagram and posted a video, where he claimed that the Delhi-based batter had called him a "fixer". However, this matter does not seem to end anytime soon as Sreesanth has taken another dig at Gambhir.
Gambhir-led India Capitals lost against Manipal Tigers in the Qualifier 2 match on Thursday and bowed out of the tournament. During the match, Gambhir got dismissed for 10 as he was un-out by Amitoze Singh.
Taking to Instagram, Sreesanth posted the video of Gambhir's run-out and lauded Amitoze for his splendid effort by tagging him in the story.
Earlier in the day, sources to NDTV revealed that Sreesanth has been issued a legal notice by the Legends League Cricket (LLC) Commissioner over his rant against Gambhir.
As per the legal notice issued by LLC, Sreesanth's rant on social media about the on-field incident was a 'breach of contract'. The notice is believed to have said that no dialogue is possible with Sreesanth until he removes all videos he has posted on social media.
The notice also said to have stressed that that the on-field umpires did not report mention use of any expletives by Gambhir on the field.
While Sreesanth explained his side of the matter on social media, Gambhir only took to Instagram, sharing a cryptic post. The caption of the post read: "Smile when the world is all about attention!".
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