Former India batter Sanjay Manjrekar praised the BCCI on rewarding players for their hardwork after the board announced the Annual Central Contracts on Wednesday. India captain Rohit Sharma and star batter Virat Kohli expectedly retained their place in the top bracket, with Ravindra Jadeja and Jasprit Bumrah also included in the Grade A+ category. However, the biggest takeaway from the new central contracts was the decision to axe the out-of-favour duo of Ishan Kishan and Shreyas Iyer . Both Kishan and Iyer didn't turn up for their respective state teams for Ranji Trophy games, despite clear directives from the board. Both the players are currently not part of the squad for the ongoing Test series against England. Taking to social media, Manjrekar praised the BCCI for rewarding players who have the hunger to represent India and are not afraid of facing the "acid test" at international level. "Well done to @BCCI for rewarding players who want to play the toug...
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