Kevin Pietersen labelled Ambati Rayudu a "joker" in a hilarious interaction on Star Sports' post-IPL 2024 Final show on Sunday night. The light-hearted remark from the former English cricketer came after Rayudu switched his outfit from orange to blue during the 2024 IPL Final between the Kolkata Knight Riders and the Sunrisers Hyderabad. Rayudu, who has represented Hyderabad in domestic cricket, donned orange before the match had begun. But as SRH crumbled to 113 all out after a superb KKR bowling performance, Rayudu dumped his orange outfit, prompting Pietersen's remark.
"You're a joker!" said Pietersen to Rayudu on air, hinting at the latter's change of sides after the Sunrisers' defeat.
"I, at least, held firm," said Pietersen, who was himself dressed in purple, the colour of the Kolkata Knight Riders.
You are a Joker Kevin Pietersen to Ambati
— Cheeks (@chikuone8) May 27, 2024
On the big night, the mighty SRH batting lineup was tamed by Mitchell Starc and co., as the men in orange posted the lowest-ever IPL Final run total. KKR romped to their third IPL title, achieving victory in merely 10.3 overs.
The interaction brought about laughter from Matthew Hayden and Mayanti Langer, who were present alongside Pietersen and Rayudu. It is perhaps no surprise that Rayudu wore orange ahead of the IPL Final, as he had made his domestic debut for Hyderabad, way back in 2001.
The sudden outfit switch was not the only time Rayudu created a spark on social media on Sunday night. Earlier in the day, the former MI and CSK batsman had said that an IPL-winning team requires contributions from the whole team, and not just one star, referring to Virat Kohli and the Royal Challengers Bengaluru.
"It's not the Orange Cap that wins you the IPL but it is the contributions like 300 runs each (of many players)," Rayudu had said during the pre-match show on Star Sports.
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