Over the past few weeks, a lot has been said and written about former India cricketer Vinod Kambli's health struggles. Recently, Kambli attended a function honouring the late Ramakant Achrekar, who coached him and Sachin Tendulkar at the Shivaji Park in Mumbai. Several videos went viral on social media where Kambli even struggled to properly conduct himself. However, Kambli has now opened up on his health struggles. The 52-year-old is doing 'better' but suffered a health scare about a month back.
Kambli revealed that he is battling a urine infection, but his wife and kids stood with him like a rock and helped him get back on his feet. He added that former India all-rounder Ajay Jadeja came to see him.
"I am better now. My wife takes care of me a lot. She took me to 3 different hospitals and told me 'You have to get fit'. Ajay Jadeja also came to visit me. It felt nice. I was suffering from a urine problem. It was just flowing. My son, Jesus Cristiano, picked me up and brought me back to my feet. My daughter, who is 10 years old, and my wife came to help me. This happened one month ago. My head started spinning; I collapsed and fell down. The doctor told me to get admitted," Kambli told Vickey Lalwani on his YouTube channel.
Kambli also recalled his knock of 224 against England at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.
"The double hundred which I scored at Wankhede, I will cherish it the most. I had Achrekar sir with me, and our teammates... what a team that was. We had Anil Kumble, Rajesh Chauhan, Venkatesh Prasad. We used to win a lot. Against Sri Lanka, we used to have some wonderful battles. I used to tell him 'Murali, haath to seedha kar (Get your arms straight).' He would then reply in his native language," he recalled.
source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/my-head-started-spinning-i-collapsed-vinod-kambli-breaks-silence-on-health-issues-7234954
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