Star India pacer Jasprit Bumrah returned to action on Friday after being on the sidelines for nearly 11 months due to a back issue. Bumrah, who successfully underwent a surgery earlier this year in New Zealand, returned to India colours during the first T20I against Ireland on Friday. On his return to the side, Bumrah, who is the captain for the tour, led from the front as India defeated Ireland by two runs via DLS method. Bumrah returned figures of 2/24 and was named 'Man of the Match'.
Citing the example of Virat Kohli, former India head coach Greg Chappell urged Bumrah to take "one ball at a time" approach, rather than thinking about the outcome.
"It is very much similar to that of Virat. He needs to de-clutter his mind and take it gradually. From what I have seen of him, he seems to have a very good mind. He will have to break things down for himself. Take it one ball at a time. Not think too much about what can happen next. If he goes for a boundary, it is important to know that particular ball is over and done with. He needs to move away from it, and focus on the next ball," Chappell said during an interview with RevSportz.
The 75-year-old further suggested that Bumrah should work on his mental conditioning, which will help him to regain his form leading into the major events.
"Comebacks are not easy. Thoughts of the injury stay on in your mind and that could impact performance. And that's why you need to free your mind. If he is able to do so and mentally get back to being the bowler that he was, he will do extremely well for India," he added.
Bumrah-led Team India took a 1-0 lead in three-match series against Ireland.
The second T20I will be played on Sunday.
(With ANI Inputs)
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