Seeing Tilak Varma get the nod in India's Asia Cup squad, many eyebrows were raised. The left-handed batter, who showed his skills on the pitch in the T20I series against West Indies, impressed the selectors enough to earn a spot in India's 17-man squad for the continental event. However, with KL Rahul and Shreyas Iyer also being selected, Varma might not get many chances in the Indian team's playing XI. However, former India cricketer Saba Karim feels Tilak's selection alone shows the confidence the selectors and team management have in him.
"At times, the selectors and the team management can back a player after what they have seen in the ground. There's no harm in picking a player from T20 format to One-day format. One should also not forget that Tilak has had some kind of experience in List A matches," he e said on Jio Cinema.
He has played about 12-15 (25) games and averages about 50 which means he knows what to do in one-day cricket. For him to transition from T20 to one-day cricket should not take too long because of the experience he has had. At times, selectors go by that kind of criterion," Saba added.
Saba was full of praise for Tilak, who has done well in the reasonable number of List A matches he has played, saying the Mumbai Indians batter knows how to prepare himself for different conditions.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for Tilak. For him to experience the dressing room, for him to understand the intricacies of international cricket, how to prepare in different conditions, it will come in very handy," he explained.
"It's a very good buildup for Tilak. Whether he is part of the World Cup squad or not, whether he gets an opportunity here (Asia Cup) or not, irrespective of all that, for him to be given an opportunity, looking at his T20 performance speaks a lotIt tells that the selection committee and the team management really believe in him. It tells us that he can become a future all-format player," Saba further said.
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