Former India captain MS Dhoni is making the most of his time away from cricket. From driving luxurious cars to flying in economy class, Dhoni has done it all after leading Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title earlier this year. In a viral video, Dhoni was seen interacting with two young fans on the occasion of 'Rakshabandhan'. In the video, Dhoni was seen enjoying the wholesome moment while signing a bat for the kids. The veteran wicketkeeper-batter also clicked pictures with the young fans, who seemed excited to receive an autographed bat from Dhoni.
— Chakri Dhoni (@ChakriDhoni17) August 30, 2023
From working as a ticket collector at a railway station, Dhoni transformed into India's biggest trophy collector, leading the team to ICC T20 World Cup 2007, ICC ODI World Cup 2011 and ICC Champions Trophy 2013 as skipper. MS Dhoni is undoubtedly one of the greatest captains cricket ever witnessed.
The wicketkeeper-batter has a massive fan following but what is not a good thing for the fans is the fact that Dhoni is not active on social media. He barely posts anything on the platform and that sees his fans rely on viral videos and pictures to get a glimpse of the player.
Dhoni retired from international cricket in August 2020. However, he continued to be a part of Indian Premier League as a player. In IPL 2023, Dhoni led Chennai Super Kings to a record-equalling fifth title.
However, there is no confirmation yet over his participation in next year's IPL.
(With ANI Inputs)
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