The wait for India's squad announcement for the upcoming T20I series against Afghanistan continues with just four days to go for the first match in Mohali. Reports claimed that the squad will be announced on Friday but no new developments were reported from BCCI. A PTI report has claimed that the delay may be stemming from the dilemma over the inclusion of Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli keeping the T20 World Cup 2024 in mind. The two senior cricketers have not played T20I cricket for quite some time and the report claimed that BCCI secretary Jay Shah may end up playing a big role.
"The flexibility will always be an issue but there would always be external factors that need to be countered. Did you see ICC promoting the tourney with Kohli's giant billboard video in New York. MI handle put that aerial advert of Rohit and Shaheen Shah Afridi. So there will be external pressure," a former BCCI office bearer said on condition of anonymity to PTI.
"It will be on Jay how much he can empower Agarkar's committee. As of now you need to accommodate both or drop both. The sensible thing would be to include both for Afghanistan and not make any promise for World T20 till the IPL performance is monitored," the veteran administrator said.
According to PTI, Chairman of selectors Ajit Agarkar had flown into South Africa during the second Test to talk to the two veterans, and both have made themselves available. But there are too many external factors, and eventually, the BCCI's all-powerful secretary Jay Shah might be required to take a decision.
The report further claimed that Agarkar has left for India and possibly the squad will be announced once he is back, in next 24 to 48 hours. However, no official communication came from the BCCI.
(With PTI inputs)
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