Karnataka batter Prakhar Chaturvedi, who made history by becoming the first-ever batter to score over 400 runs in Cooch Behar Trophy final on Monday, expressed his aim to play for Karnataka in the Ranji Trophy and hope to continue his form in future. He hit a splendid unbeaten 404 against Mumbai at the KSCA Navule Stadium in Shimoga, Karnataka. Team Karnataka U-19 reaches Bengaluru after winning Cooch Behar Trophy.
"I feel really proud, especially because it came in the finals. Karnataka have never won the Cooch Behar Trophy before and scoring more than 400 runs in the final against Mumbai, who have won this trophy quite a few times, this feels really great. I still can't believe it and can't express my joy in words," Prakhar told ANI.
He also broke India's former star batter Yuvraj Singh's long-standing 24-year-old record of 358, the previous highest individual score in the tournament final. Prakhar stated that beating Yuvraj Singh's record feels surreal to him, and accomplishing this milestone is beyond words for him.
"Feels great but hopefully, in the future, I will be able to play in the same way constantly for Karnataka. Whenever I represent Karnataka I will put in my 100 per cent effort and hopefully, the result will fall in place," Prakhar stated.
"Next target is to represent Karnataka in the Ranji Trophy and perform well over there. Hopefully, we will win the Ranji Trophy one day. I think this is the best team that Karnataka has ever gotten at the U19 level," he added.
Hoping to continue his blistering performance in future too, Prakhar said, "My parents were really happy.... not only parents even the coaches and friends everybody are really happy. And we are hoping that this continues in the future. I will give my best wherever I play."
source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/next-target-is-to-prakhar-chaturvedi-after-his-record-breaking-knock-of-404-4875861
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